News Hot Research from BDR
Research News - 2021
Press releases and articles on BDR's latest research.
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Displaying 1-20 out of 21 result(s) found

Nov. 26, 2021 Research
Successful fertilization requires careful coordination of chromosomes
After fertilization, the mammalian egg organizes itself to safeguard paternal genomic material and ensure healthy offspring

Nov. 1, 2021 Research
Mapping the structural features that regulate a signaling protein’s specificity
A high-resolution structural analysis reveals insights into the specificity and function of an essential signaling protein

Oct. 21, 2021 Research
Supercomputer simulations reveal how protein crowding in cells impacts interactions
Microsecond-scale simulations are helping scientists understand how drugs ‘navigate the crowd’ inside cells

Oct. 18, 2021 Research
mRNA degradation induced by fluid flow breaks left–right symmetry in vertebrates
Degradation of mRNA induced by fluid flow causes the left side of an embryo to develop differently from the right side

Oct. 6, 2021 Research
A telescopic model of the development of hair follicles
Atlas of hair follicle development could lead to new therapies for hair-loss disorders

Jul. 22, 2021 Research
Genome editing meets marsupials

Jul. 20, 2021 Research
Basement membrane underpins tissue interactions in the skin
The skin’s basement membrane is highly specialized to enable molecular crosstalk between different tissue types

Jul. 16, 2021 Research
SUV39H2 : A direct genetic link to autism spectrum disorders

Jun. 24, 2021 Research
Age-related stem cell dysfunction linked to eye-color gene
A gene that was assumed mainly to determine eye color in fruit flies also affects gut stem cells, and could play a role in colorectal cancer in people

May 25, 2021 Research
Launch of “NeuroGT Database”, a brain atlas of neurogenic tagging CreER mouse drivers

May 7, 2021 Research
Proteins enable tendons and muscles of fruit flies to develop in sync
Two proteins strengthen the extracellular matrix between the tendon and exoskeleton of fruit flies—but in very different ways

Apr. 27, 2021 Research
Dietary amino acid determines the fate of cancer cells

Apr. 13, 2021 Research
No Batteries? No Sweat! Wearable Biofuel Cells Now Produce Electricity from Lactate

Apr. 5, 2021 Research
Microbes are perhaps more manageable than we thought
The likely adaptive trajectories for viruses and bacteria might be fewer than previously thought, and there may be implications for the superbugs crisis.

Apr. 1, 2021 Research
A soft chemical micropump actuated by self-oscillating polymer gel

Mar. 26, 2021 Research
Society is not ready to make human brains

Mar. 26, 2021 Research
Marcksl1 keeps blood vessels in shape

Mar. 18, 2021 Research
Creating an artificial genetic code

Feb. 12, 2021 Research
Raman spectroscopy provides non-invasive way to track cell reprogramming
Signals carried in laser light enable researchers to non-invasively monitor chemical changes in cells undergoing reprogramming

Feb. 10, 2021 Research
A recipe for cyclical regeneration of bioengineered hair
Next stop: clinical hair regeneration