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Research News - 2023
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Displaying 1-15 out of 15 result(s) found

Nov. 13, 2023 Research
Dissecting the structural secrets of the inactive X chromosome
Sophisticated techniques offer insights into the unusual features of the inactive X chromosome in female mammalian cells

Nov. 10, 2023 Research
Unlocking the rhythms behind the growth of zigzag hair
The molecular secrets behind ‘zigzag’ hair patterns have been uncovered, offering an avenue for anti-aging solutions

Nov. 7, 2023 Research
Uncovering the cell’s read–write mechanism for gene expression instructions
Researchers have uncovered how instructions for gene expression are relayed

Oct. 31, 2023 Research
Atomic picture of dengue replication could transform antiviral approaches
Three-dimensional structures of the replication machinery of the dengue virus could lead to new, targeted antiviral drugs

Oct. 25, 2023 Research
Signaling molecule from cancer cells induces metabolic changes to fruit fly larvae
The connection between local tumors and body-wide changes to metabolism has been revealed in fruit-fly larvae

Oct. 20, 2023 Research
Stolen genes allow parasitic control of behavior

Sep. 7, 2023 Research
How a widely used antimalarial drug affects zinc levels in a malarial parasite
The discovery of how a widely used antimalarial affects zinc levels in parasites, could lead to new strategies to combat drug resistance

Aug. 18, 2023 Research
Towards organ preservation: Animal resistance to cold reflected in stem cells

Jul. 28, 2023 Research
How a gut microbe causes flies to live fast and die young
The connection between a species of gut microbe in flies and an early death has been unraveled

May 8, 2023 Research
Flies aren’t freaks when it comes to cell death
Despite what’s written in textbooks, fruit flies use a similar cell-stress sensor as mammals to initiate programmed cell death

Apr. 14, 2023 Research
How mouse embryos determine left from right
Resolution of a two-decade debate enhances our understanding of how embryos develop differences between their left and right sides

Apr. 11, 2023 Research
Simple but revolutionary modular organoids

Apr. 6, 2023 Research
Phosphate tags on brain enzyme govern sleep dynamics in mice
Adornments made to a critical sleep-promoting protein mediate the onset and duration of slumber in mice

Mar. 27, 2023 Research
How an early mutation in the COVID-19 virus helped it spread so fast
Molecular modeling suggests structural consequences of an early protein mutation that promoted viral transmission

Mar. 16, 2023 Research
A nifty trick to help plants thrive in iron-poor soils
Efforts to develop fertilizers that help plants gather iron from widespread alkaline soils are set to benefit from insights into molecular structure
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