

BDR researchers coming from diverse research fields are working together to achieve higher goals.

Seminars & Symposia

Seminars & Symposia

BDR hosts annual symposium and regular seminars inviting international scientists in life science.

Careers & Study

Careers & Study

BDR embraces people from diverse backgrounds, and strives to create an open and supportive setting for research.



BDR communicates the appeal and significance of our research to society through the use of various media and activities.



From research, events, people and everything in between, find out what’s going on at RIKEN BDR.

About Us

About Us

Exploring the scientific foundations of life through interdisciplinary approaches to address society’s problems.

BDR symposium oral session

Seminars & SymposiaSymposia

RIKEN BDR Symposium

The RIKEN BDR Symposium is an annual symposium held around March every year, where leading scientists from around the world working on cutting-edge research are invited to speak. The theme of the symposium changes from year to year, with organizers selecting one that is related to fields of research carried out at BDR. RIKEN BDR symposium is open to local scientific communities and provides opportunities for active discussions and scientific exchanges among the participants. Advance registration is required to attend.

Other Symposia and Meetings

In addition to the annual BDR symposium, the RIKEN BDR hosts other symposia and meetings with a more specific focus. One example is the virtual symposium on organoid research, which was held in the fall of 2020 and co-hosted with the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (USA).


Category Date / Time Place Title
Symposium [Date / Time] Mar. 3 - 5, 2025 [Place] Kobe [Title] RIKEN BDR Symposium 2025Towards Redesigning Lifecycles
Symposium [Date / Time] Mar. 5 - 7, 2025 [Place] Kobe [Title] 2025 RIKEN BDR-CuSTOM Joint Organoid SymposiumIntegrated organoid science: Stem cells, Engineering, Medicine