News Hot Research from BDR
Research News - 2020
Press releases and articles on BDR's latest research.
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Displaying 1-20 out of 21 result(s) found

Dec. 25, 2020 Research
Hijacking hibernation
In the last few years, scientists have been able to clarify the energy-saving mechanisms at work in hibernation, culminating in two important papers published in June 2020. But what does this mean for human hibernation?

Dec. 24, 2020 Research
New link between cholesterol and hyperuricemia offers potential as therapeutic target [PDF 441KB]

Dec. 21, 2020 Research
Quantitative Approach on Understanding How Epigenetic Switches Control Gene Expression

Dec. 17, 2020 Research
Oh so simple: Eight genes enough to convert mouse stem cells into oocyte-like cells

Dec. 8, 2020 Research
Can sting rays and electric rays help us map the ocean floor?

Nov. 24, 2020 Research
Experimental evolution reveals how bacteria gain drug resistance

Nov. 13, 2020 Research
Reconstructing the cellular signaling pathways that shape trachea development
Regenerative strategies for treating malformations during airway development could come from insights into the initiation of windpipe development

Nov. 6, 2020 Research
New artificial skin functions like natural skin

Sep. 25, 2020 Research
Scientists identify the molecules responsible for transcriptional bursting
Key players in the molecular mechanism behind the on/off nature of DNA transcription have been identified

Sep. 18, 2020 Research
Humans develop more slowly than mice because our chemistry is different

Sep. 18, 2020 Research
Coordination of hormonal signaling and nutrient metabolism drives critical life-cycle transition
Findings from adolescent fruit flies could help explain developmental changes in people as well

Aug. 28, 2020 Research
A neural circuit that makes rodents go into a hibernation-like state found
The neural circuit responsible for inducing rodents to enter a state similar to hibernation has been identified

Jul. 31, 2020 Research
Mice need kinetochores rich in a microtubule crosslinker to achieve error-free oocyte division
Differences in the distribution of a small protein in oocytes could explain why oocyte division is more error prone in humans than mice

Jun. 12, 2020 Research
Hibernation in mice: Are humans next?

May 18, 2020 Research
A new biomarker for the aging brain

May 1, 2020 Research
Finding more chromosome structures by assuming less
A more general analytic technique for looking for structures in chromosomes uncovers new interactions

Apr. 27, 2020 Research
New staining technique visualizes whole organs and bodies

Apr. 7, 2020 Research
RIKEN group leads world in single-cell transcriptome profiling

Mar. 13, 2020 Research
Mechanical forces shape animal "origami" precisely despite "noise"

Mar. 13, 2020 Research
Stem cells exert tight control over the timing of brain development
Insights into mechanisms controlling early brain development could also help scientists understand this organ’s evolution