

BDR researchers coming from diverse research fields are working together to achieve higher goals.

Seminars & Symposia

Seminars & Symposia

BDR hosts annual symposium and regular seminars inviting international scientists in life science.

Careers & Study

Careers & Study

BDR embraces people from diverse backgrounds, and strives to create an open and supportive setting for research.



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About Us

About Us

Exploring the scientific foundations of life through interdisciplinary approaches to address society’s problems.

Photo of Team leder, Kazunari Miyamichi

Team Leader
Kazunari Miyamichi Ph.D.

Laboratory for Comparative Connectomics

Location Kobe / Developmental Biology Buildings


Please replace [at] with @.

Recruiting graduate students

We study organizations and functions of hypothalamic circuits underlying social behaviors

The brain can flexibly adapt the physiology and behaviors of the body to specific life-stage demands. For example, sexual maturation is initiated when the maturation and nutritional state of the body are ready for reproduction. Parental caregiving behaviors to infants are facilitated around the time when their own young are expected. Specific neural activity patterns that regulate milk ejection only emerge in lactating mothers. These examples suggest the presence of neural mechanisms that plastically adjust neural input organizations and output functions based on an internal state of organisms. However, little is known as to how such adaptive plasticity is implemented at the level of neural circuits. Our research aims to elucidate the mechanisms of flexible neuronal functions associated with different life stages in mice by targeting a diverse array of brain regions, ranging from the frontal cortex to the sympathetic nervous system. We employ a combination of cutting-edge techniques, including single-cell RNAseq, virus-based circuit mapping, in vivo imaging of neural activity, and molecular and neural manipulation of specific neuron types. Through our work, we hope to provide novel insights into the plasticity of the nervous system that underlies the control of animal behavior and body physiology.

Research Theme of our laboratory

Research Themes

  • Neural basis of behavioral plasticity associated with life-stage transitions
  • Neural circuit organizations and functions related to parturition, lactation, and parental caregiving behaviors
  • Neural circuit dissection of the sympathetic nervous system for various organs

Selected Publications

Goto T, Hagihara M, Miyamichi K.
Dynamics of pulsatile activities of arcuate kisspeptin neurons in aging female mice.
eLife 18, e82533 (2023) doi: 10.7554/eLife.82533

Yaguchi K, Hagihara M, Konno A, et al.
Dynamic modulation of pulsatile activities of oxytocin neurons in lactating wild-type mice
PLOS One 18, e0285589 (2023) doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285589

Inada K, Tsujimoto K, Yoshida M, et al.
Oxytocin signaling in the posterior hypothalamus prevents hyperphagic obesity in mice.
eLife 11, e75718 (2022) doi: 10.7554/eLife.75718

Yukinaga H, Hagihara M, Tsujimoto K, et al.
Recording and manipulation of the maternal oxytocin neural activities in mice.
Current Biology 32(17), 3821-3829 (2022) doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.06.083

Inada K, Hagihara M, Tsujimoto K, et al.
Plasticity of neural connections underlying oxytocin-mediated parental behaviors of male mice.
Neuron 110(12), 2009-2023 (2022) doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.03.033

Mano T, Murata K, Kon K, et al.
CUBIC-Cloud provides an integrative computational framework toward community-driven whole-mouse-brain mapping.
Cell Reports Methods 1(2), 100038 (2021) doi: 10.1016/j.crmeth.2021.100038

Yoshihara C, Tokita K, Maruyama T, et al.
Calcitonin receptor signaling in the medial preoptic area enables risk-taking maternal care.
Cell Reports 35(9), 109204 (2021) doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109204

Ishii K K, Osakada T, Mori H, et al.
A labeled-line neural circuit for pheromone-mediated sexual behaviors in mice.
Neuron 95, 123-137 (2017) doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.05.038